The Warm Whiskers

And since that rainy morning of July, I can’t recall even a single day, when they failed to pass their bright smiles and greetings to me…”

This story dates back to the year 2013, when life used to be full of leisure, full of wonder, when the mere target of completing 10 sums of mathematics was given the name of burden, when the day used to get over soon at 9 p.m. with the bedtime stories and the morals being the Crux of the whole day, when being an over pampered kid full of tantrums was excusable. Although everyday, at that time used to be a fun day, but I still cherish that one beautiful morning of July, when I woke up with joy, spotting droplets of rain on the window glass, as beautiful as pearls, giving me a good signal that it was a ‘No School Day’ .Hopping with joy, all around the house, switching on the Television to give a daily check on the gadget that Nobita and I was to learn about, to make Nobita’s day better but unfortunately making him fall in trouble again at the last of each story. Who won’t remember this beautiful Earless blue robot cat from twenty second century addressing our problems and suggesting all the ways to get out of them.

Suddenly, after a couple of moments, I heard some unusual cries, as if someone was in distress, as if someone was seeking my help. Immediately, peeping out of my balcony I found two little puppies, shivering out of cold, in this stormy weather, where it was raining cats and dogs. Catching this glimpse, the hero inside me couldn’t stop from rushing downstairs, with towels to wrap those kids, safely. Heading towards them, I found the two poor children, in a situation where they were barely gonna survive themselves for more than an hour or two. I held the delicate beings, In my arms, one in each, I was left spellbound to take a beautiful glimpse of their innocence . The one in the right arm having a royal white fur, running all over his skin and the other, covered in blonde color of delicacy, having unique strawberry shaped eyes, and then without causing delay of even a minute I carried them to the veranda Area, placing them gently over an old warm quilt. Meanwhile it took some time for them to dry themselves, the thought that kept haunting me was that once when I had asked for bringing kittens and puppies at home, my parents got to declare that it couldn’t happen ever, the reason being no one having enough time to take good care of them… however glancing at their beautiful faces, I eventually got my happy-go-lucky vibes and became ignorant of all my fear soon.

The happiest experience was catching the site of them grabbing slices of bread from my hand, out of utter hunger. Me, being convinced by the fact that the blonde kid was having strawberry shaped eyes, named him as ‘STRAWBERRY’ and the other as white as snow, deserved to be called as ‘SNOWIE’.

Strawberry was a notorious and hyperactive child, who took no time to rush around the whole house, and checking every other stuffs, coming in his way while Snowie showed the tendency of a gentleman, moving not even inch without my permission. Overall I was loving the way, they had moved on and forgotten about the fearful experience they got to face that morning. Playing with them, running after them, the next five hours passed with the blink of an eye and suddenly the doorbell rang and as I had correctly estimated it was my mom, standing outside the door, holding umbrella , complaining about the weather and me, being the one who couldn’t dare to utter even a single word, was busy serving her quietly with water, waiting for her to comfort herself well, before I begin with the tragic story of Strawberry and Snowie. Hardly did I know that the story of was a self explanatory one, all thanks to Notorious Strawberry, who came running with his tiny paws, in front of maa. That day, I realized the power of innocence and that it can convince everyone, universally. Despite of the fact that I made space for two puppies without any permission or information, my mother was overjoyed at that situation, cheerfully welcoming them and lifting them in her arms, feeling their warmth and after placing them at their place, she was flashing her pretty smile at me, implying her assent to this act of mine, but consequently raising her eyebrows, indicating me to explain the whole tale that ended letting Strawberry and Snowie inside our home. She hugged me , as soon as she came to learn the incident in its entirety, why wouldn’t she, afterall she was so proud that I abided by her teachings of always extending our gentle help towards others.

My whole evening and my whole home was adored by the scintillating presence of two angels in the form of Strawberry and Snowie. That day being a hectic one, caused us to fall asleep early in mother’s lap.

The next day, welcomed a bright sunny morning , the sun shining at its best, blessing Strawberry and Snowie, fom the above. The two kids were then busy peeping out of balcony and smiling at their mother, sitting right at the place, they were picked up from, yesterday morning. Their mother, extremely eager to meet her kids, who had fortunately survived a day full of hardships. Soon , I took two of my friends to their mother, and all of them were dancing out of joy, on being reunited. Running late for my school, I bid a good adieu to them, with some slices of bread and milk.

Who knew that it was the dawn of a precious friendship and since that rainy morning of July, I can’t recall even a single day, when they failed to pass their bright smiles and greetings to me…

Strawberry never fails to lick my feet, whenever he spots me while, Snowie never fails to take good care of mine, accompanying me each day, to the parks, for the evening walk.

They are the creatures who are loyal and royal enough to protect and take care of us, against the odds, who shower their blessings and love upon us, selflessly. Only a gentle smile of yours, some affection and a little help can light up their lives and make them rejoice. It’s fun being around them, making them a part of our lives and being a part of theirs. Afterall loving them is like earning love from them

2 replies on “The Warm Whiskers”

  • Parkhi Sinha July 21, 2023 at 8:27 am

    Literally loved it ❤

    • Yashaswini July 21, 2023 at 9:00 am


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