Bonjour, beautiful people! “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?” Mmmmm, well lemme guess that- you must have been somewhere, tryna achieve your ambitions and to-do-list so hard, thinking over your relationships and equations, so hard, busy in the race of maintaining your social media handles, so rigorously, or maybe busy in a world, that was way too […]

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Treasure of Joy

“Trust me, the sudden plans are awesome enough to make u embrace a cool road trip, taking u miles apart from melancholy, towards that very page of ur story, where the cool breeze and the beautiful skies and the water chilled enough, yet warm enough to make ur heart stand spellbound, capture u!!! Alwyzz gonna […]

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It’s not weird, it’s beautiful!

Hey Chums, how have you all been? What brings me here today is the concern about the thing, that in this scenario, where we all are literally running a rat race, in the want of superficial and materialistic perfections and accomplishments, have you forgotten to pay heed on the basic primary and candid being, that […]

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I am in true love💞

Hey there!I hope this blog finds y’all smiling and rejoicing, and in the pink of your health.🫂 Have you ever felt the audacity, enough to cure and face whatever that comes in your way? Thriving through all the state of affairs and still being efficient to face much more than that, growing and nurturing your […]

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The Hon’ble HC!

Hey readers, sup? This blog is dedicated for the purpose I always wanted to share the story of one of the most precious months , I ever got to spend. The beauty of my profession, that I realize is that apart from the studies, you do, to become what you aspire to, you also periodically […]

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Just one more ice cream please!!

Mom says, she got to cherish my first ever broadest and most long lasting smile, the day she experimented my taste buds with delicious crushings of ice, coated with bright brown chocolaty chips, sweet inside out, overloaded with creamy layer of delight, tasting too cold yet so tempting for a kid aged not more than […]

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The Warm Whiskers

“And since that rainy morning of July, I can’t recall even a single day, when they failed to pass their bright smiles and greetings to me…” This story dates back to the year 2013, when life used to be full of leisure, full of wonder, when the mere target of completing 10 sums of mathematics […]

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The Beautiful Indecisiveness!❤

‘Shopaholic‘, ya you may refer to me as that. What else can be thought of, when in every now and then, you have cycles of thoughts, striking your mind, flashes of your favourite malls, round the clock, and all the sales and designs trending on your mind and more special thanks to the social media […]

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