Hey there!
I hope this blog finds y’all smiling and rejoicing, and in the pink of your health.🫂
Have you ever felt the audacity, enough to cure and face whatever that comes in your way? Thriving through all the state of affairs and still being efficient to face much more than that, growing and nurturing your soul much better than before. In all the seasons have you ever found yourself acting jovial and admiring each cloud, that your sky covers you with and have you ever learned the fact that how beautiful you look? You’re the Moon of your life, adoring your shine ample, and even if the stars had often failed to do so.

LOVE might appear and sound to be a word too short and too saturated but on contrary, it is the most bewitching reality and meaning of your life. Every other stuffs, whether it goes noticed or unnoticed, necessarily conveys the elements of love!

The love, the heartfelt flowers from your garden reflect by unrolling its fragrance in search of the endearing butterflies, the sea water, falling in love with the sand, eventually each time it cuddles and carry them within, love is also perfectly found In the way the trees cry, when in the months of autumn, they have to be deprived of the attachments, they once got to create with the green leaves, which had stayed there with it, in all the ups and downs and throughout the seasons and the way, a two months old smiles, who hardly can perceive anything but mother’s love language, so well!

This universal language of love has astonished all, covered all, and influenced all so well, that hardly someone remains untouched. Every other being in this universe, perfectly charactized by the quintessential word of love. In the changing Era, you might have noticed every other grand and trivial transitions, but you won’t ever stop seeing the love as the most convenient and beautiful universal language, in all of its semblances , which everyone craves for, which everyone waits for!

Isn’t it precious the way you fall in love with a person, thinking 24×7 about them, craving for their presence and always wishing yourself to be the reason, each time they rejoice. But in the process of loving others, we have often forgotten to love the one, who most passionately deserves most of it and guess what it is you yourself! And if you have got the essence of today’s topic, it is ‘self love’ ya, one of those prerequisites of a happy life that you’ve forgotten about, that you’ve sent to the back seat! SELF LOVE is the love practiced in its purest, most unblended, most unfiltered and most unalloyed form, without any sugarcoat, without any lies, without any complications! The foremost reason behind why shall you first love yourself is that your heart is the only place where all your beliefs and all your expectations are desirably pleased!🥰 and hence you deserve to prioritize yourself and your love over any other persistent stuffs!! Amazingly, the meaning and the feeling of true love has originated from within the bottom of your heart indeed. Praise yourself, prioritize yourself… it is the most advantageous process as it has hardly got to upset you, hardly got to make you low! Remember, even if the world one day, stops caring any more about you, you will always be there for yourself by virtue of self belief and self love , making it sure that if something really happens to matter your happiness, matter about what you really aspire for, in your life, it hardly counts as to how it would bother others and make others perceive and think about you!

Equipping myself with the warmth and affection I always wanted myself to receive, indulging in the stuffs more often that can make me cheer up and care about myself from dusk to dawn, more than anyone and before anyone else coming to my rescue are the goals of sincerity and moreover the nutshell of this life.
Thank yourself everyday, praise yourself every moment for the way you have handled and gone through the processes and situations, which once were nightmares to you! I had always been raised up learning the fact that who doesn’t require love? The flowers, the streams, the butterflies all need love, all are nurtured by affectionable moments.

Loving myself is always synonymous with advancing and growing nearer to your ambitions, each day! When you found yourself dancing around yourself, merrily, hardly expecting any other one to accompany and assist ya, you were in the major part of practicing self love and self pride! Self love has got to beget the essence of self sufficiency in self happiness within. Never miss that bright chance to appreciate and reward yourself with a glimpse of the Moon, with the warm rays of the Sun, with the serene drops of rain, and with the sweet smell of lavender! Keep your beautiful heart alive as self worth is actually what you need to realize in this very phase of your life! You stay stay strong, you can achieve everything!

10 replies on “I am in true love💞”
Shreeya Swaraj August 7, 2023 at 9:07 am
Yashaswini August 7, 2023 at 3:31 pm
Shreya Singh August 7, 2023 at 9:09 am
This absolutely a wonderful one… The way you described the whole thing, it really left behind the essence of what exactly you wanted to say… Yess, i do agree, with this saying… Self love is the best thing you could do to yourself, for being better by each passing day.. it was a lovely one dear❤️
Yashaswini August 7, 2023 at 3:31 pm
that’s the best compliment, thankyouu so much for your love!❤❤My consistent support system😊☺😘
Disha Sinhmar August 7, 2023 at 5:08 pm
Perfectly carved the self love ❤️
Yashaswini August 8, 2023 at 1:37 am
Thankiuuu so much 🥺❤
Parkhi Sinha August 7, 2023 at 5:21 pm
Just amazed at reading this level of beautiful write-up is much needed & admire your words to fullest 💝
Yashaswini August 8, 2023 at 1:37 am
Thankyouuu!! So sweet of ya😉💘
Arpita Roy August 8, 2023 at 1:31 am
It’s absolutely relatablé and hence one must practice it …Self love itself is the need and deed of hour….An unparallel match to the statement that it has taken a backseat and it should be adored each day….Keep bringing such more amazing stuffs dear
Yashaswini August 8, 2023 at 1:37 am
Definitely! It is something that needs to be practiced in all the walks of one’s life!! Thanks for gracing with ur beautiful words!!😘💞